Monday, July 16, 2012





Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hope..... Hope.....Hope......

So long that I didn't update. Sorry. I am busy with my life.

Mom just came back from hong kong a month ago. Didn't change much but complain and complain.

We still ask her to go back to Mars. Don't fire her anger to human beings on earth.

Life is not easy for mom and me. We fight a lot. I may become her when I reach her age. I hope not.

Good that dad came back for a little while. King will stay here for another month. Good that we sold the old house have some money for the next 5-10 years if we are not wasting money.

Hope king and ka Ho start to help family little bit at a time.

Hope I will have a simple life.

Hope mom doesn't think she is still a patient shortly.

Hope people faces what they did wrong, stop what they try to cover and don't make any more excuses.

World peace in me and around me.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Keep eating, keep eating...

Mom is lacking B12, so dr needs to inject such vitamins manually.

Yesterday morning:

After getting needles from dr. We went for breakfast (notes: mom already had a little bun at home before leaving the house.)

Then we were rushing to hair stylist's home to get hair done. Can't believe she had mood to keep changing the knitting style while Iris (stylist) was telling what was in her mind.

After hair cut, you were saying to grap something to eat before grocery shopping. I couldn't believe, you ordered a small bowl of viet beef noodle but add spicy?

Wow. What an eating day, mom!!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Your Diet

Dear Mom,

Thank you for taking care of Cookie while I was away.
Thank you for being so nice to Cookie as I know you never want to put too much feeling on him (You don't wanna cry if he is gone!)
Thank you for buying less BBQ pork as you used to.
Thank you for getting less take out food as they have so much MSG...
Thank you for trying your best to eat more veggies
Thank you for buying maltase as I know you can't stop your sugar craving, so I can eat yours sugar instead.

Mom, you take care.... Please NOT to eat sweet that much, Please NOT to eat salty food, Please NOT to sleep more but exercise a bit at a time...

Mom, we love you very much...

Monday, August 22, 2011



因為我的感覺﹐更令我想改變我的想法。媽媽在化療過後﹐她又像過往一樣的生活方式。我嘗試改變她﹐但我竟然變了壞人﹐一個不孝人﹔因為我不准她食甜﹐不准她食一些可能引致 Cancer 的東西。。。最終又是吵架完事。

媽﹐ 你唔愛我唔緊要﹐有時我只是想你明白個事實﹐不是想和你有不開心的事發生﹐但你要明白我有這個感覺是因為你對我的行為。。。


媽﹐我感恩Kenneth 是真心幫你﹐所以你不喜歡我常在你左右﹐Kenneth 可以代我。。。

Friday, July 8, 2011

New Look

Mommy 一身New Look!!! 幾 Colourful!!!

 New Yoga pants with cool white/red top shirt and her BBBB (Big Bright Blue Bag).... wow, 幾 型﹗﹗﹗
 Mommy 唔知我影緊佢﹐如果唔係我諗佢行得仲型﹗

如果 Mommy 知道我哋係幾愛佢﹐我相信佢會唔亂食野。

希望佢明白我哋唔係管佢﹐只不過想佢長命D有機會見下D 孫 (*我仲未有BB)。。。

*sigh* 食少D雜食當幫幫忘﹗﹗﹗﹗

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ka Ho and Mom

All the time... Ka Ho always like to take pictures with Mom and Mom's smile always go happier.

Not that she doesn't like to take pictures with other.... but .. .Ka Ho always make Mom smile the best. =) 

 Look at Mom's new look. Yeah... People may not like it as she has a very cool skin cut. For me... I really don't wanna say anything... bcoz I really think Mom is very brave and look so cool!! So cool...
Her skin cut with long earrings.... =) look so nice and cool!